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The Secret to Success
Product- Process-Planting


All of our seedlings are dipped before being shipped with SuperSpore Root Dip.  

What is SuperSpore Root Dip?  It is a gel containing both endo and ecto (mycorrhizae) fungi, which colonize within the root system and greatly increase the root's ability to absorb nutrients.  It provides a higher survival rate, faster establishment, and protection during shipping; by keeping the roots from drying out, which ensures that the seedlings establish well when planted. The best part is there is no need to fertilize within the first year of growth!  


All seedlings are dipped, wrapped in damp paper packing, and placed in a dry plastic bag prior to shipping.  They are shipped in a dormant state (may look like dead twigs), but they will  "wake" upon being planted and exposed to sunlight. 



Upon receiving your shipment; you can plant them immediately.


Need more time?  Store them in a cool, dark place for 7-10 additional days prior to planting. 


*If longer than 10 days; apply a mist to the roots to ensure they do not dry out. 


If the seedlings are exposed to sunlight or temperatures above 55 degrees; they will likely exit dormancy, sprout leaves, and must be planted in the ground or in a temporary pot, as they will need nutrients from this


The bare-root seedlings you will receive will have no dirt on the roots.  The roots have been dipped in a protective gel that will promote growth and nutrient absorption throughout their lifespan.  DO NOT WASH THE ROOTS PRIOR TO PLANTING.  Using a sharpshooter shovel or dibble bar that is as deep or deeper than the roots, simply drive the tool into the ground and pry open a gap, slide the seedling into the gap, and remove the tool to allow the gap to close tightly around the seedling roots.  Avoid air pockets around the roots, it is best to pack the ground around them well after placing them into the ground. 


The following is a very informative public video; that describes how the seedlings will appear upon arrival and how to plant them.  

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